Como Park Conservatory


From DJ Matt R in 2012:

When you DJ at the Como Park Zoo, there are typically three different places that you can possibly set up to DJ.  Two are downstairs in what they call the Covered Porch area, and the other is in their upstairs banquet space.  In all three cases you will need to load your stuff in from the loading dock.  You need to call the catering manager at the zoo for load in directions.  She will send you an email with all the instructions and maps that you need.
Now getting back to the set up – in the Covered Porch area there are two different places that you may end up setting up in, and they are right next to each other.  In fact, they are simply on two different sides of a doorway.  I have attached pictures that clarify things.  It is essentially up to the bride as to where she wants you.
Regardless of which space you set up in, the acoustics of the place are not that great, so you want to keep your speakers low and remember to turn down the bass when people are using your mic for toasts and speeches.  Also, keep the bass down when playing throughout the evening or your sound can come through too muffled and “muddy” sounding.
When you set up in the Covered Porch, where you are just down from the head table, you can set up normally with one speaker on each end of your table (again, don’t raise them up at all).  If you set up on the other side of the door, you will need to run one speaker on the other side of the doorway, pointing down the length of the hallway (see picture), and then move it next to your table when the dance starts.
Always a great time when you DJ at the zoo and these tips should help you worry less about set up and more about your clients.

Load In:

Call ahead of time to determine where the loading dock is. Loading docks usually take more time than usual, so give yourself plenty of time. You'll probably want a cart too. Ask them for one, if they don't have one then ask me.


Acoustically, the venue is not great. Be sure to keep your speakers low to the ground and contain the sound the best you can. If you're having trouble with microphone feedback, go through the tips to mitigate that issue.

There are three different places you can be set up. Call ahead to determine which one you're supposed to be at and exactly where it is.


Here's a video from Matt regarding the Como Park Conservatory from a customer's perspective:

Extra Venue Call Questions:

Where is the loading dock I load in at?

Do you have a cart I can use to set up my equipment?

Which area will the reception take place?


The Knot:

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