Embassy Suites - Bloomington


From a former DJ, Mike Madison in 2012:

Load in will be in the back, by the French Restaurant.  There is a small staircase so make sure to grab a dolly to load your stuff in from the front desk.  They often have slideshows, so you may be asked to turn it on or play music alongside it.  You will be put alongside a wall, so the lack of room behind you will require you to put lights to one side.  I suggest the corner of the dancefloor because it gives the best light (it’s a dark space with no windows).  You will also be close to the bar, so be mindful of the lines that will form during a social hour.  You may need to move your lightstand back for social and forward for the dance.  Staff is good about getting you food/water.

Load In:

In the back of the hotel. You will need a cart to load stuff from the front desk. 


If you need to play music with a slideshow, you'll need a y-cord extension. Call me about this and I'll hook you up and teach you how it works. 

If you're by the bar, that's an important thing to be aware of. Keep the volume down during dinner and stand by the bar while music is playing to determine whether or not it's too loud. Keep the speakers low to the ground during the dance and point the speakers away from the bar and towards the dance floor.

Extra Venue Call Questions:

Do you have a cart?

Is there a slideshow?

Will you have music play during the slideshow through the house system?



The Knot:


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