Sheraton Minneapolis West Hotel


From a former DJ John H in 2012:

The Sheraton West is a great place to learn new stuff. The social hour is through a set of closed doors (during room set-up) and the main room is huge and all to one side. Obviously there’s a hotel as well – so lots of people travelling from room to room during the night.
On the far right side of the building is a loading dock with a side door. I was directed to load-in there and it’s possibly the easiest there is. Depending on which room you are in, it’s either a 20-foot walk or a 40-foot walk. Right inside along the dividing wall is the DJ table and dance floor.
For my social hour, I used a single speaker, a smaller mixing board and an SD card, and it worked perfectly. The photo booth – if there is one – would be set in that corner as well, so watch your volume. The bar and food options are in the room, and it’s quite small, so it can get packed and very loud.
Inside, the head table is along the same wall as the DJ table, on the right, so during dinner, I angled the speakers in that direction – for the mic as well – and no problems were found. Everything is pretty straightforward here.
The staff is very nice and helpful and will assist you with many things – from additional microphones to unruly guests. They also have an in-house sound system, and if it’s needed, can be used for things like their mic system or a slideshow.

Load In:

Loading dock on the right side of the building. Very short walk from the loading dock to your table .


The social hour could take place in a different location than the dinner/dance. You'll have to set up an individual speaker and play music through an iPod/laptop or ask for the mini mixing board. I'll try to get it to you, but it depends on whether or not somebody will need it for a ceremony.

It's a very small room. This can lead to things getting pretty loud, so watch your volume and be walking around to check to make sure people who aren't the dance floor can still hold a conversation.

Extra Venue Call Questions:

Where is the loading dock?

Where is social hour taking place?


The Knot:

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